Friday, May 4, 2018

Review: Helmets and Creative Juices

Tuesday May 1 Announcement

I thought that this little PSA was absolutely adorable. I love when you get to see a culture update their own ancient myths and legends. Last semester, I started following Buzzfeed India which gives me the modern side of India today. Now I am in this class in which I focus primarily on ancient India. This video was like if Buzzfeed and Indian Epics had a baby.

Thursday May 3 Announcement

This image is so me. When it comes to creative writing (not prompted from school in any way), I have to be in the absolute perfect mood to actually write. I want to get better at this, but for now, yeah, I need this perfect environment. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Jillian, oh man do I relate to that image. As a writer, having the perfect environment is half the battle. Besides environment, I have to be in the right mindset to get anything written, anything of quality that is. I joke all the time about my muse being stingy and coming and going as she pleases. Apparently having the right atmosphere coaxes my muse into staying a little longer so I can get some work done!


Famous Last Words: Peace Out Homies

Once I turn in this assignment, I will be done with this class. And then I'll only have one thesis and one final exam. And then I'll...