Monday, March 26, 2018

Famous Last Words: Back to the real world

This past Spring Break week was not what I was expecting at all. I flew to Philadelphia and now I am sitting in the airport waiting to fly back. I thought that this week would be mostly filled with fun times, great memories, and lots of exploring. Instead, it was mostly stressful, I was not feeling well, and now I am just exhausted. I was so homesick for so much of the trip and now I can't wait to come home and hang out with my family. It was nice seeing my boyfriend there since we hardly ever see each other, but I am looking forward to being home.

Once I land in Oklahoma, I will once again be a part of the real world of work, school, and responsibilities. I have to keep reminding myself that there won't be any relaxing time between arriving in Norman and suddenly being busy again. I am already falling behind because the time I thought I could spend working on school work was not available during this trip as I had planned. I have an independent study course this semester that I am so behind on and feel so unprepared for that I have stress dreams about it all the time.

I finished my revision assignment for my second portfolio story and I am feeling really good about the direction my project is taking and I am excited to continue working on it to see the final product!

Me and a statue of Benjamin Franklin at UPenn

I think the best part of this trip though was definitely seeing how obsessed Philadelphia is with Benjamin Franklin. He is everywhere! And I am taking him as my inspiration to finish this semester strong. As someone who used his wit and education to raise him up to the very top of American society, I can follow his footsteps to at least finish these last few months of college.

1 comment:

  1. That picture is FABULOUS, Jillian! And I hear you about stress dreams: my dad (who is on hospice now) is doing surprisingly well, so I decided to let myself come home (who knows for how long) after being away for two months. But, yeah, stress dreams. What a semester... Spring Break was much needed by all I suspect!


Famous Last Words: Peace Out Homies

Once I turn in this assignment, I will be done with this class. And then I'll only have one thesis and one final exam. And then I'll...