Monday morning I wrote about how I was diagnosed with strep as a continuation of my health woes of this semester. Well, the doctor said some strain of strep, even though the test was negative. He was sure of it. Come Wednesday morning I was feeling even worse, even though the doctor at urgent care had said that I should be good to return to work and school. I knew something had to be wrong when I couldn't swallow, my temperature was getting higher, and I was supposed to be good to return to school while taking the antibiotics. So I went to Goddard and I have to say I had a great experience at our university health clinic! I have never bothered going but now I wish I had utilized their services since Freshman year. The nurse and nurse practitioner were so kind, especially since I was so frustrated with not knowing what was going on with my body!
Turns out I had mono! Apparently some people react to mono with symptoms that so mirror strep, the only way to know is taking a blood sample. But they also tested for other strains of strep and guess what! I also have a strain of strep! But the antibiotics I was on react poorly with mono, hence why I was getting worse.
So Monday through Saturday, I haven't gone to any of my three jobs or class. I finally feel like I have recovered from both strep and mono. Perhaps this is TMI, but y'all, this has been my whole week. This is all I have been thinking about. Today I was finally feeling energized enough to do some assignments.
But I would just like to say to
TAKE YOUR HEALTH CONCERNS SERIOUSLY. For over a month I have been going to doctors and counselors telling them how I have been falling asleep while trying to do readings for class, zero energy for fun and hobbies, extreme loss of appetite, and just a general lackluster motivation. None took me seriously, just saying that I need more sleep and I have senioritis. I was so frustrated with myself. Well, it turns out mono doesn't start showing symptoms for 4-7 weeks, meaning I have probably had mono for over two months. My body has been fighting off this horrible virus. No wonder I've been tired!! So I am going to talk to my professors and hopefully they will be understanding about my situation and why I have fallen behind academically.
I had mono last year and it is so awful! I hope you feel better soon! And yes, definitely take the time out to take care of yourself! With school and other things, it can be difficult and you forget to care for yourself. It has definitely happened to me and I got really sick because of it. Get well soon and be careful!